Plans & Billing

Learn more about plans, account details, and billing.

MESA billing basics

Common terms associated with MESA billing:

  • Automations and automation runs: An automation or automation run is counted when a workflow is triggered e.g. starts.

  • Workflow complexity: Workflow complexity is determined by the number of steps in a single workflow. A workflow requires a minimum of two steps: a trigger and an action. You can add additional steps to provide further customization and refinement to a workflow.

  • Paid apps: A selection of apps only available on our paid plans. These apps are available on the Flex, Advanced, and Unlimited plans.

  • Premium steps: Actions associated with Email, SMS, and AI are Premium steps because we incur the cost of these. To protect ourselves from malicious behavior, we limit the number of Premium steps we provide for free. Premium steps are currently only supported on the Flex, Advanced, and Unlimited plans.

  • Premium step credits: The number of times you can use a Premium step for free in a monthly billing cycle. The amount of credits you receive depends on whether you’re on the Flex, Advanced, or Unlimited plan.

Selecting a MESA plan

There are several MESA plans to select from depending on how you’re planning to use automation in your business. To help you find a plan that is perfect for your needs, consider the following when making a selection:

  • Workflow complexity

  • Access to paid apps

  • Premium steps

  • Number of automations

Can I downgrade my plan?

You can change your plan at any time during the billing period from the "Account" section located in the top right of the MESA dashboard. You will only be charged for the days in which the plan was active. Learn more about changing your plan.

7-Day paid plan trials

Explore the power of MESA before you commit with a trial. The Flex, Advanced, and Unlimited plans come with a 7-day trial. Your trial begins as soon as you select one of these plans. During your trial, you’ll have access to all of the features that come with your plan. You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel anytime during your trial. At the end of your 7-day trial, your billing will begin.

👋 If you downgrade your plan and you have workflows enabled, you may be asked to turn these off before continuing with your plan downgrade depending on which features are and are not supported with your new plan.

Need more time with your trial? We understand. Request a trial extension by emailing our support team at

Workflow types

Workflow types are determined by the level of detail in a single workflow. A workflow requires a minimum of two steps: a trigger and an action. You can add additional steps to provide further customization and refinement to a workflow.

  • Simple workflow (2 steps): A workflow that includes a trigger and a single action. Simple workflows are the most basic and straightforward type of workflow, where a single action runs every time the workflow is triggered. Available on the Flex, Advanced, and Unlimited plans.

✏️ Simple workflow example:

  • Step 1: When a Shopify order is created

  • Step 2: Add a tag

  • Standard workflow (3 or 4 steps): A workflow that includes a trigger and multiple actions, one typically being a Filter or a Loop step. This popular workflow type provides additional details beyond a simple workflow. Use a standard workflow when you want MESA to perform an action only when the trigger meets certain conditions or if you want multiple actions to be performed when a workflow runs. Available on the Flex, Advanced, and Unlimited plans.

✏️ Standard workflow example:

  • Step 1: When a Shopify order is created

  • Step 2: Retrieve the Shopify’s customer details

  • Step 3: Check if they’ve spent a lifetime value of $500

  • Step 4: Add a VIP tag to the customer

  • Sophisticated workflow (5+ steps): A workflow that includes a trigger and multiple actions. The most detailed and thorough workflows that are capable of handling complex use cases. Available on the Advanced and Unlimited plans.

✏️ Sophisticated workflow example:

  • Step 1: When a Shopify order is created

  • Step 2: Retrieve the Shopify’s customer details

  • Step 3: Check if they’ve spent a lifetime value of $500

  • Step 4: Add a VIP tag to the customer

  • Step 5: Send an email to the customer congratulating them about their VIP status

  • Step 6: Add the customer to a Google Sheets VIP spreadsheet

Premium steps

Actions associated with Email, SMS, Image, Weather, and AI are Premium steps because we incur the cost of these. We limit the number of Premium steps we provide for free to protect ourselves from malicious behavior.

How are Premium credits applied?

Each time a Premium action performs in a running workflow, one credit is used. Here are other examples:

  • A workflow runs, and both Premium actions are performed: 2 credits will be applied.

  • A workflow runs, but only one of the two Premium actions performs: 1 credit would be applied.

  • A workflow runs but stops at a filter step, preventing the Premium actions from performing: 0 credits were applied.

How many Premium credits come with my plan?

  • Flex plan: 500 credits

  • Advanced plan: 1500 credits

  • Unlimited plan: 4000 credits

  • Affiliate plan: 50 credits

What happens if I use all of my Premium step credits?

Your workflows and Premium actions will continue to run and perform as expected, but each additional Premium step will cost $0.01 until you upgrade your MESA plan or your monthly billing interval rolls over.

Number of automations

The Flex and Advanced plans have a set number of automations that come free of charge with the plan. If you reach your automation limit for the Flex and Advanced plans, your workflows will continue to run, but usage charges will be applied for additional automations that run until you upgrade or your monthly billing cycle renews.

👋 The Unlimited plan offers unlimited automations! Consider this plan if you want to run several workflows without worrying about how often your workflow triggers.

Does Time Travel count towards my monthly automation limit?

Running a Time Travel will not count towards your plan's automation limit. We understand the importance of ensuring that your historical data matches your future data. Therefore, such automations are provided to you at no additional cost.

Delays in a workflow

Using the Delay step allows you to delay or pause a workflow before it proceeds to a subsequent step. Delays can be set in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. Your MESA billing plan determines the minimum and maximum length of your delay.

  • Flex plan: 15 minutes (minimum) - 30 days (maximum)

  • Advanced plan: 5 minutes (minimum) - 30 days (maximum)

  • Unlimited plan: 1 minute (minimum) - 60 days (maximum)

  • Affiliate plan: 1 minute (minimum) - 30 days (maximum)

Account status

See which plan you’re on and manage your account details.

  • Click on your name in the top right corner within the MESA app.

  • Click on Account.

  • You’ll see which plan you’re on (Flex, Advanced, and Unlimited), the monthly or annual cost, when your next billing cycle renews, and the number of automation runs included with your plan and how many you have used.

  • If there are any notifications pertaining to your plan, they will be visible at the top of the page.

Changing your MESA plan

You can upgrade or downgrade your MESA plan at any time.

  • Click on your name in the top right corner within the MESA app.

  • Click on Plans.

  • Select your new MESA plan.

    • Upgrading your MESA plan: You can upgrade your plan anytime by going to your Account page or the Pricing page and selecting your new plan. You will immediately have access to the features available with your new plan.

    • Downgrading your MESA plan: If you have enabled workflows with steps or paid apps not supported by your new plan, you will need to disable those before you can continue with your plan downgrade. If you downgrade your plan in the middle of a billing cycle:

      • Monthly billing interval: Your billing will be retroactive, meaning you will only pay for the days you had the previous plan, and your new billing price will begin the day you select your new plan.

      • Annual billing interval: Your downgraded rate will be applicable at the annual billing renewal. View your Account page to see when your renewal is scheduled to occur.

Annual vs. monthly billing

You can select a monthly or annual payment option for MESA. This choice affects both the amount and timing of your billing intervals:

  • Annual plans cost less.

  • Your plan renews automatically once a month or once a year.

  • Monthly automation and Premium step limits still apply with an annual plan and will continue to reset on the same day each month.

Usage charges

Usage charges may be applicable in the Flex and Advanced plans. If you use all of the included automation runs associated with your plan (Flex: 5,000 automations and Advanced: 10,000 automations), your workflows will continue to run normally. Still, you will incur a charge per automation until you upgrade your plan or until your monthly data rolls over.

  • Flex plan usage: $0.015 per additional automation after 5,000 automations have been run during your monthly data interval.

  • Advanced plan usage: $0.01 per additional automation after 10,000 automations have been run during your monthly data interval.

Usage charges are not applicable with the Unlimited plan.

  • Unlimited plan: Unlimited automation runs!

Usage charges are applicable on annual plans. If you are on an annual plan and you are approaching your automation or Premium step limit, we will email you with a heads up and provide a link where you can set up billing to cover any usage charges that may be incurred. If this billing is not established and you reach your automation or Premium step limit, your workflows will stop running until your billing is set up or when your monthly billing renews.

Development stores

MESA has a free plan with 50 automations per month for Shopify stores that are used exclusively for development or testing without any customer traffic. Afterward, you will need to select a plan to continue using MESA.

Last updated