Workflow Builder

Templates schemplates! You've got a genius idea that you're ready to create from scratch and we're here for it. You can build your own workflow to meet your unique needs by clicking New workflow in your My workflows page in MESA. Find and select this blue box on the right side menu next to your workflows.

Once selected, MESA will take you into the Workflow Builder. In this space, you'll be able to directly add the steps needed to accomplish your goals. The first step of a workflow is called a Trigger or if you prefer to think of it as a journey it's the beginning "When this happens..."

As you can see in the screenshot above, MESA integrates with a variety of third party apps, you'll find these apps listed in the steps you add in the Builder. Use the filter and search options within the step to navigate to the app of your choice. Once you select the app you want to begin with, options of all available triggers for that app will appear. Select Use next to the trigger of your choice. You're on your way!

What's next? You have your trigger...triggering, and now you need some actions to get your goal accomplished. Below each step, you'll notice an arrow and when you toggle over it, a "+" button appears. That will lead you to configure your next action, or as labeled, the "Do this" part of your workflow journey. Similar to selecting your trigger, you can filter through the available apps and actions they offer to Use.

You may be interested in learning about Triggers and Actions as well as how to work with Variables to master your workflow-building skills.

Last updated