Command Line Interface

Manage automations, scripts, run tests, view logs, download, watch, publish and more from the command line.


Type mesa to get a list of available commands:

mesa export
mesa push [params]
mesa pull [params]
mesa watch
mesa install [version]
mesa test
mesa replay mesa logs [-v] [-n 50]

Optional Parameters:
-e, --env [value] : Environment to use (filename in ./config/).
-a, --automation [value] : Automation key. Automatically determined by the mesa.json file if not specified.
-f, --force : Force, overwrite config for inputs/outputs/storage.
-n, --number [value] : Number.
-v, --verbose : Verbose: Show log metadata.


With yarn

yarn global add mesa-cli

Or with NPM

npm install -g mesa-cli


To upgrade to the latest version

yarn global upgrade mesa-cli@latest

Configuring sites

Create a new directory with a config.yml file:

uuid: mystoreuuid
key: J0lSB0PIuw145xhk610Ud6dLA7A****B7LnfUjaL

The config.yml file can be in your current working directory, or in ~/.mesa/config.yml so you can run mesa from any working directory.

uuid is your subdomain: key is your site's MESA Key from the bottom of the Reports tab of the MESA Dashboard . Optional parameter: api_url.

Specifying environments

  • Delete your global ~/.mesa/config.yml file

  • Save configuration files in ~/.mesa/config. For example: ~/.mesa/config/mystoreuuid.yml

  • Pass the environment with the --env or -e flags, or by setting the ENV envvar:

mesa watch --env mystoreuuid
mesa watch -e mystoreuuid
mesa watch export ENV=mystoreuuid && mesa watch

Full details on usage

Editing Automations

To get started, export an automation to download the scripts and configuration into the current directory:

 mesa export <automationkey>

Then use the utility functions to keep your local code in sync with MESA:

mesa watch <...files>
mesa push <...files>
mesa pull <...files>

<...files> can be:

Specific path(s) to files: tracktor/in-webhook.js tracktor/out-webhook.js

Or for multiple files: tracktor/*

Local development

To clone mesa-cli locally and install it globally:

git clone
cd mesa-cli
yarn link

Last updated

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