
While you can only have one trigger in a workflow, you can have several Actions. These steps run after the initial step is well, triggered.

For example, let's review a popular workflow "Send Orders to Google Sheets." In this workflow, the Trigger event is Shopify Order Created. The following steps, Loop, and Google Sheets Create Row are both Actions.

There are many actions within the MESA app and our third-party integrations. How you put these together will be unique to your needs. Here are a few tips on actions you may find helpful as not all actions are created equal:

  • Premium Steps: These are specialty actions within MESA, such as Email, AI, Image, and SMS. Based on your plan type, you have premium credits to use towards these actions each month.

  • Actions that can't end a workflow: Some actions can't end a workflow because they don't complete a goal but serve as connectors between other actions. These actions include steps that retrieve data (Customers, Orders, Products, objects, etc.), filter steps, loop steps, delay steps, and virtual output steps.

Other Common Actions


The filter action provides flow control, similar to an if/else statement in programming. If the condition is met, the workflow will proceed to the next step in the workflow, otherwise, the automation will stop.


The loop action allows you to iterate over items in a list, similar to a foreach or for statement in programming.


Delay steps allow you to pause your workflow for a time interval of your choosing before it can proceed. We recommend using a retrieve action after a delay step to make sure you retrieve the latest information from the source you're trying to reference (Order, Customer, Product, etc.).


The data action provides an easy way for workflows to store and retrieve information between automation runs. Backed by an SQL database, the data action provides the ability to support very sophisticated use cases.


When added to a workflow, the approval action pauses automation execution at the step where the approval was added and will not proceed until a human "approves" it by clicking a button. For example, this can be helpful if you want to automate social media and want an editor to review before posting.


Like the Webhook trigger, MESA's API actions provide a way to connect with 3rd party services that do not have an integration yet.

Custom Code

You definitely don't need to be a programmer to use MESA, but for those who are, the Custom Code action provides additional flexibility.


When building workflows for more than one app, translating the data models between the source and target systems is often necessary. The transform action provides an easy user interface for mapping the fields.

Virtual Output

The virtual output allows you to batch together multiple discrete events into one subsequent automation. This allows you to do things like create a file of the days' orders or automatically send an email with all products added in the last thirty days.

Last updated