
The Filter tool allows you to stop the execution of your workflow if one of the values in your payload (proceeding data) does not match what is expected. If the conditions do match, the workflow will continue to the next step.

When using the Filter tool, you will need to select the correct variables so that MESA can apply the filtering based on the data returned by the previous steps of your workflow. The Filter tool has twelve conditions you can use to compare values.


  • Shopify Order Created Tags contains VIP - Only continue if the Shopify order is tagged with "VIP"

  • Shopify Order Price is greater than 10 - Only continue if the Shopify order total is over $10

  • Shopify Order Email contains - Only continue if the order is from an employee of

  • Shopify Order Created Customer Orders Count equals 1 - Only continue if this is this customer's first order

  • US,CA,MX contains Shopify Order Created Billing Address Country Code - Only continue if this order's billing address is in USA, Canada, or Mexico

  • Shopify Order Tags is empty - Only continue if this order has no tags. null, undefined, an empty string "", empty array [], or empty object {} are considered empty. The number 0 is not considered empty.

Multiple rule sets

You can add additional rules to run by clicking the Add Rule button. You can select if all rules need to match (AND), or if only one of your rules need to match (OR), and you can add an unlimited amount of rule sets to build complex comparison logic.

We suggest that you add multiple Filter steps in your workflow if you would like to combine ANDs and ORs in your logic.

Advanced rule sets

If you use a combination of AND or OR operators, the logic will read from top to bottom. For example, a AND b OR c AND d will be executed as ((a && b) || c) && d. For more fine-grained control, separate your AND comparisons and OR comparisons into separate Filter steps.

The MESA filter supports the following special values in either the " to" or "from" field:

  • true

  • false

  • null

Advanced customizations

You can further adjust the functionality of a Filter step by clicking the </> Edit code link in the Configure conditions of the step.

Last updated