Understanding the Queue

When a MESA automation is triggered, the request is placed in an individual queue for your store. It will appear in the Activity Log with the "Ready" status. Your store's queue is processed using a First In First Out (FIFO) methodology to ensure that the oldest messages are processed first and the sequencing of actions taking place as part of the automation run always matches the original message order. Typically, automations will run instantly, but depending on the number of pending runs in your store's queue you may experience a slight delay.


To ensure proper message ordering and to prevent rate limit issues with third-party APIs, by default all stores process one automation run at a time. Depending on your MESA plan and your needs, we can increase the number of parallel queue workers for an individual store so that more automation runs can be processed per minute. We are able to increase the number of parallel queue workers for your store or for an individual workflow. Please reach out to support to make this request.


When your store's queue grows beyond 10,000 pending messages, your items will be placed in a bulk queue to avoid affecting other MESA users. If you are anticipating triggering a large number of workflows from a migration or a flash sale, let us know, and we can work with you to properly tune your store's processing capacity.


Loop steps create a new task in your workflow queue. For example, if you were to loop over an Order Created step with three line items, four messages would be processed: The original Order Created message, and then a message for each line item triggered by the loop. For this reason, if you are expecting a large volume of order runs and throughput is a priority, we recommend architecting you workflows to minimize the use to nested loops. Reach out to our support team if you have any questions.

Time Travel

Time Travels are processed separately from standard automation runs and will have no impact on the processing of live data.

Last updated

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