The AI tool uses the power of Artificial Intelligence to automatically generate, classify and analyze your data.

AI is a Premium app. There is a limit to the number of Premium actions we provide for free. Learn more


The AI tool includes a number of defined actions to quickly get you started with common tasks like summarizing, categorizing and extracting details from your free-form text:

If none of these actions match what you're trying to do, the Prompt action lets you use any GPT4o-style prompt to fully unlock the potential of Artificial intelligence. OpenAI's example page is an excellent source of inspiration, and the OpenAI Playground is the easiest way to test and perfect your prompts.

Example Prompts

Use these examples as a jumping-off point. Replace the details in the prompts with MESA Variables from previous steps.

Write a tagline for an ice cream shop.
Write a thank you letter in the form of a poem for John Doe who purchased a Special Agent Widget.
Write a product description for wooden clogs.
Write a blog post to announce our new glow in the dark ice cream.
Determine if this is a physical address. Return yes or no.

PO Box 100
1010 NE Main Street
Springfield, MA, 12352
Determine if this address is in Europe. Return yes or no.

1010 NE Main Street
Springfield, MA, 12352
Determine the gender of this name. Return male, female or unknown:

Alexis Doe

Check the Advanced > Convert JSON response checkbox on a Prompt step and add a Loop step to loop over each result in this prompt:

A two-column spreadsheet of top science fiction movies and the year of release. 

Year of release

Return as json

More Resources


  • The AI tool only reads and generates up to 500 words of text. Input text will be truncated after 500 words and responses will be limited to around 500 words. If you need to analyze or generate long amounts of text, we recommend using MESA's OpenAI app, which allows you to customize the amount of tokens to use for each prompt. Most prompts can be copied over from an AI step to an OpenAI prompt step.

How AI Uses Your Data

The AI tool makes API calls to OpenAI. Only the variables explicitly configured in the MESA builder will be shared with OpenAI. MESA does not store any of this information beyond your data retention date. OpenAI does not use data submitted to and generated by their API to train OpenAI models or improve OpenAI's service offering.

To opt out of any data sharing with AI models, simply do not use the AI step in any of your workflows.

Learn more about how and when OpenAI uses use to train their models. Read MESA's Data Processing Agreement.

Last updated