Script Specification

The most basic MESA Script exports a class with a script() method. The code is executed in a V8 environment and can be written in standard Javascript or ES6. The class can contain additional methods or variables.


During runtime, the script() method will be called and passed two parameters, payload and context.

The context parameter contains (read full details):

Basic MESA Script

const Mesa = require('vendor/Mesa.js');

 * A MESA Script exports a class with a script() method.
module.exports = new class {

   * MESA Script
   * @param {object} payload The payload data
   * @param {object} context Additional context about this task
  script = (payload, context) => {
    const vars = context.steps;

    // Add your custom code here
    // Line items from a Shopify Order Created trigger would be available as something like `vars.shopify.line_items`

    // We're done, call the next step!;

MESA Scripts can call any of the MESA SDK methods or methods from our libraries.


All system timezones are in your Shopify Store's timezone. You can view and update your timezone from the Shopify Dashboard: Admin > Settings > General, under "Standards and formats". If you need to get dates in a different timezone, use the method.

Unsupported nodejs methods

Scripts are run in a stock V8 environment. This means that some common NodeJS methods are not available:

Last updated