Technical Notes
Error Codes
Here is a list of common Shopify errors and common solutions. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact MESA support.
400 Bad Request
The request was not understood by the server, generally due to bad syntax or because the Content-Type
header was not correctly set to application/json
.This status is also returned when the request provides an invalid code
parameter during the OAuth token exchange process.
401 Unauthorized
The necessary authentication credentials are not present in the request or are incorrect. Solution: Double-check your credential and replay the automation.
402 Payment Required
The requested shop is currently frozen. The shop owner needs to log in to the shop's admin and pay the outstanding balance to unfreeze the shop.
403 Forbidden
The server is refusing to respond to the request. This is generally because you have not requested the appropriate scope for this action. Solution: Double-check your credential and replay the automation.
404 Not Found
The requested resource was not found but could be available again in the future. Solution: Verify that the ID you are passing is correct and exists.
406 Not Acceptable
The requested resource is only capable of generating content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.
422 Un-processable Entity
The request body was well-formed but contains semantic errors. A 422
error code can be returned from a variety of scenarios including, but not limited to:
Incorrectly formatted input
Checking out products that are out of stock
Canceling an order that has fulfillments
Creating an order with tax lines on both line items and the order
Creating a customer without an email or name
Creating a product without a title
The response body provides details in the errors
or error
Solution: Check that your configuration is correct and replay the automation.
423 Locked
The requested shop is currently locked. Shops are locked if they repeatedly exceed their API request limit, or if there is an issue with the account, such as a detected compromise or fraud risk. Contact Shopify support if your shop is locked.
429 Too Many Requests
The request was not accepted because the application has exceeded the rate limit. Learn more about Shopify’s API rate limits. Solution: Try using a Shopify Custom App MESA credential or replay the automation when there is less activity on your store.
500 Internal Server Error
An internal error occurred in Shopify. Please post in the Shopify APIs and SDKs forum so that Shopify staff can investigate. Solution: Please replay your automation or contact Shopify for their staff to investigate.
501 Not Implemented
The requested endpoint is not available on that particular shop, e.g. requesting access to a Shopify Plus–only API on a non-Plus shop. This response may also indicate that this endpoint is reserved for future use. Solution: Try using a Shopify Custom App MESA credential that has access to Plus-only APIs.
503 Service Unavailable
The server is currently unavailable. Check the Shopify status page for reported service outages. Solution: Replay this automation.
504 Gateway Timeout
The request could not complete in time. Shopify waits up to 10 seconds for a response. Try breaking it down in multiple smaller requests. Solution: Try restructuring your MESA workflow to break it down into smaller parts. Reach out to MESA support if you have any questions.
Customer Order Count
Shopify currently has a known issue with their Customer API that doesn't consistently reflect the most up-to-date information for a Customer's Order related info. This issue typically affects the Customer Orders Count variable in workflows and will (sometimes) cause issues with workflows that filter for a Customer's order count to proceed to the next step.
If you have a workflow that relies on a Customer's order count, please note that there may be times where this issue affects the automation from accurately processing a workflow. You can find more information on this issue in this Shopify Forum discussion: Customer Order Related Fields Out-of-Date
Last updated
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