Technical Notes
Error Codes
Here is a list of common Shopify errors and common solutions. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact MESA support.
400 Bad Request | The request was not understood by the server, generally due to bad syntax or because the |
401 Unauthorized | The necessary authentication credentials are not present in the request or are incorrect. Solution: Double-check your credential and replay the automation. |
402 Payment Required | The requested shop is currently frozen. The shop owner needs to log in to the shop's admin and pay the outstanding balance to unfreeze the shop. |
403 Forbidden | The server is refusing to respond to the request. This is generally because you have not requested the appropriate scope for this action. Solution: Double-check your credential and replay the automation. |
404 Not Found | The requested resource was not found but could be available again in the future. Solution: Verify that the ID you are passing is correct and exists. |
406 Not Acceptable | The requested resource is only capable of generating content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request. |
422 Un-processable Entity | The request body was well-formed but contains semantic errors. A
The response body provides details in the |
423 Locked | The requested shop is currently locked. Shops are locked if they repeatedly exceed their API request limit, or if there is an issue with the account, such as a detected compromise or fraud risk. Contact Shopify support if your shop is locked. |
429 Too Many Requests | The request was not accepted because the application has exceeded the rate limit. Learn more about Shopify’s API rate limits. Solution: Try using a Shopify Custom App MESA credential or replay the automation when there is less activity on your store. |
500 Internal Server Error | An internal error occurred in Shopify. Please post in the Shopify APIs and SDKs forum so that Shopify staff can investigate. Solution: Please replay your automation or contact Shopify for their staff to investigate. |
501 Not Implemented | The requested endpoint is not available on that particular shop, e.g. requesting access to a Shopify Plus–only API on a non-Plus shop. This response may also indicate that this endpoint is reserved for future use. Solution: Try using a Shopify Custom App MESA credential that has access to Plus-only APIs. |
503 Service Unavailable | The server is currently unavailable. Check the Shopify status page for reported service outages. Solution: Replay this automation. |
504 Gateway Timeout | The request could not complete in time. Shopify waits up to 10 seconds for a response. Try breaking it down in multiple smaller requests. Solution: Try restructuring your MESA workflow to break it down into smaller parts. Reach out to MESA support if you have any questions. |
Customer Order Count
Shopify currently has a known issue with their Customer API that doesn't consistently reflect the most up-to-date information for a Customer's Order related info. This issue typically affects the Customer Orders Count variable in workflows and will (sometimes) cause issues with workflows that filter for a Customer's order count to proceed to the next step.
If you have a workflow that relies on a Customer's order count, please note that there may be times where this issue affects the automation from accurately processing a workflow. You can find more information on this issue in this Shopify Forum discussion: Customer Order Related Fields Out-of-Date
Last updated