Shopify Plus


MESA's Shopify Plus integration is an exclusive feature for B2B, available only to stores on the Shopify Plus plan.

Connect MESA with Shopify Plus Triggers

MESA will automatically connect to the Shopify store that you have installed MESA on and no further action is necessary as long as your store is on a Shopify Plus plan. 😊

Connect MESA with Shopify Plus Actions

For Shopify Plus' Company-related actions, MESA seamlessly integrates with the Shopify store where it's installed.

For Shopify Plus' User-related actions, you must set up a custom app for your workflow to work properly. Read the Connect to an external Shopify store or Shopify Plus API section below.

Connect to an external Shopify store or Shopify Plus API

To connect to an external Shopify store or use a Shopify Plus API, create a Custom App and enter the app's Access Token into the Shopify Credentials section.

Shopify Plus User-related actions require your custom app to have theread_users access scope.

To get the read_users scope, you must contact Shopify Plus Support and ask them for this scope for your custom app. If you are asked why you need this scope, you can mention that you would like to use Shopify's REST API's User endpoints with your custom app but it requires the read_users scope.

Once your custom app has the read_users scope, you will need to configure the scope by updating your custom app's scopes. Make sure to save changes.


MESA's Shopify Plus integration is a B2B feature only available to stores on the Shopify Plus plan. If you do not have B2B enabled on your Shopify store, please contact Shopify Plus Support to have them enable the features for you.

If your workflow contains a Company-related action, you can ask Shopify Plus Support to help enable the following feature:

Last updated