Google Calendar


When you're setting up your first workflow with Google Calendar, you'll need to create a credential through MESA's Google App or your own custom Google App. Click on Connect with Google to finish the process.

Afterwards, you can re-use the newly created credential and select it for your future workflows!


The following contains steps on how to configure your Google Calendar workflow to create Google Calendar events.

Step 1: Create or Select your Google Calendar Credential

Click here to learn more on how to do this.

Step 2: Select your Google Calendar

In the App Configuration section, you will see a field called Calendar ID.

In the Calendar ID drop-down menu, click on it and you will see all calendars that your Google account is able to modify. Start typing or select a calendar to use for your workflow:

Depending on your workflow's purpose, you may want to create a dedicated calendar for your events to be sent to (for example, if you are sending orders or Infinite Options data to Google Calendar).

The good news is that you can do this from the workflow builder, no need to leave MESA! If you don't have a calendar with this name already, the Calendar ID dropdown will include an option to create a new calendar based on the name of your workflow. If you wish, you can select this, then after you save your workflow, the calendar will be created.

Alternatively, if you enter a name for a different calendar, the dropdown will provide an option to create a calendar with this value. Again, click Save in the workflow builder to create this.

Step 3: Add details for your Google Calendar event

Now that you have a calendar selected, you can now add details for your event. Variables from the workflow's trigger, or previous actions can be used here. At a minimum, you need to set the following fields:

  • Summary

  • Start

  • End


The title of the event. You may also want to enter more details in the Description field (optional).

Start / End

For start and end, use the date and time picker to choose a start and end date / time. You can also use Variables in this field.

If you do not specify a value for End, the value entered in Event default duration will be used to determine the event's duration. By default, this is 30 minutes.


You can also add one or more attendees. If you wish for them to be notified, set Send Updates to "all".

If you are the owner of the calendar, and want to receive a notification, you cannot add yourself as an attendee. This is a limitation of Google Calendar. Instead, we recommend you add the MESA Email action, and send an email to yourself after the Google Calendar Create Event action.

Last updated